Why Agile meets Architecture stands out

Here is how last editions looked and felt as an attendee

The Venue

Agile meets Architecture was hosted at KulturBrauerei, one of Berlin's prominent cultural hubs. This accessible and aesthetically pleasing location created an inviting environment, fostering collaboration and engagement among fellow practitioners and software enthusiasts. It served as a fitting backdrop for those committed to exploring and advancing the field.

Palais TerracePalais TerraceMaschinenhaus
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Featured Speakers

Agile meets Architecture featured notable speakers such as Susane Kaiser, Randy Shoup, Rebecca Parson, among others, each with a substantial background in the software space. Their talks revolved around best practices and guiding principles that exist at the complex intersection of software architecture and agile methodologies, topics often debated amongst professionals in our field.

The talks, all of which were recorded, delved into case studies, methodologies, and practical applications that can resonate with both seasoned agilists and architects. If you're interested in these areas, the Agile meets Architecture YouTube channel might be worth your time.

Some of the highly regarded sessions from last year, which stirred interest and active discussions among our fellow experts, include:


Network Opportunities

The conference offered multiple opportunities for networking, both during breaks and at informal get-togethers after the event. This facilitated valuable exchanges among professionals in the field. Feedback from attendees provides insight into the experience:

  • Over 70% rated the overall conference as "extremely good."
  • 92% were satisfied with the lineup of speakers and the content they delivered.
  • Over 75% indicated they would recommend the conference to a fellow colleague or friend

Attendees' and Speakers' Feedback

“I loved thisconference. It’s been months since it happened. I keep on coming back toideas I’ve heard, citing authors, and sharing learnings with my colleagues. […]This conference exceeded my expectations: a great lineup and valuable content. I highlyrecommend attending this conference for any leadership positions.
I want every company’s C-level tobe there and hear why architecture and agile matter greatly in building healthyorganizations with great quality products.” – LinaZubyte (Blogpost)

“I must admit that I liked theidea. Particularly in larger environments, you can't think of architecturewithout the surrounding organization.” – Maik Töpfer (Blogpost)

“It’s obviously organised bya  bunch of people who really care whatthey do. A lot of thought has been put into making the event inclusive. Thecontent is great. Every talk I have been to was very interesting.” - Clare Sudbery (Speaker)

Palais TerracePalais TerraceKesselhaus